All complaints submitted by consumers on the platform must progress "from problem to solution". Thus, after the complaint process is completed, both the complaining users and the tar...
Complaints Book is a social network of consumers that does not judge the value/content of the complaints, therefore, we will not be able to inform you about the company's professional conduct.
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Automatic replies do not promote a satisfactory method of communication with customers and are discouraged. For a brand to have a high Satisfaction Index, it must carry out the process of handling...
The monthly rankings we provide are based on the calculation of the Satisfaction Index algorithm, which are based on the resolution capability of the brands, in relation to the complaints submitt...
The Satisfaction Index is only calculated when the brands have at least 2 complaints registered in Complaints Book.If the brand does not have a minimum number of complaints, or refuses to reply to ...
The Satisfaction Index only takes into account the brand activity in Complaints Book in the last 12 months.If you are a consumer who has made a complaint to a brand, but it has not replied in the l...
There are five stars that reflect the ten possible classification levels of the Satisfaction Index, find out more here
When a brand has a rating close to five stars, it means that consumers who ha...
All brands in Complaints Book are rated only by the consumers.This review is based on consumer experiences / complaints.A value is assigned to all approved complaints, based on the state of the com...
Brands are always rated by the consumers, after the complaint process is completed.Complaints Book presents to all the complainants on the website a Satisfaction Index that records the activity ...